Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Once you know exactly how many calories you need to prompt weight loss, and how you want to structure your diet, make those calories consist of whole, unprocessed foods. Skip the refined sugar and grain options that may fit the definition of vegetarian, but add excess calories and limited nutrients.

Poached eggs or egg whites with veggies, scrambled soft tofu with salsa or a fruit smoothie made with yogurt or vegetarian protein powder make nutrient-dense breakfasts that have protein to help keep you full. A large salad with chickpeas, vegetable soup with kidney beans or a black-beans-with-brown-rice dish are all high-fiber lunches. The beans add fiber as well as protein, both of which help make you feel more satisfied and not deprived. For dinner, stir fry tempeh or tofu with minimal oil and serve with a mound of roasted vegetables, or steam the veggies and spritz with lemon juice. A small serving of whole grains, such as quinoa or wild rice, or a starchy vegetable round out the meal. The size of your servings depends on how many calories you’ve figured you need daily to achieve your goal.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables : These are storehouse of vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and antioxidants, proteins and fibers. The dark green leafy vegetables like Broccoli, Spinach, Parsley, Kale etc. contain fewer calories and reduce the levels of fat in our body.

Nuts and Seeds: These are also store house of fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals. These also include fatty acids, but the essential healthy fats. Nuts and seeds like Flaxseeds, Sesame seeds, Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds not only keep our heart healthy and reduce cholesterol, but also strengthen bones and brain functioning. Nuts and seeds also contain rich amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These should be included in our veg diet but in a limited quantity.

Soya Products and Beans:  Protein rich food like fish and chicken are excluded in a veg diet. Hence, we should incorporate more of dairy products, soya products and beans in a vegetarian diet as these contain ample quantity of protein and other nutrients and soluble fibers which help to process fats in our body. The soy products like Soya Beans, Tofu, Kidney beans, Baked Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, Black Beans etc. increase our metabolic rate, reduce our appetite and help in weight loss.

Cereals and Grains: Include Whole Wheat Bread, Muesli, Brown Rice, Oats, Porridge, Semolina, Barley in your veg diet. These type of grains and cereals have ample nutritional values. They are a great source of iron and zinc and give energy to our body.

Fruits : Yes, ofcourse we cannot ignore the fruits. They are anyday the best part of any kind of diet. With fewer calories and enormous quantities of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients, fruits are great for a weight loss diet. Fruits not only enhance our metabolism but also lower our blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels and make our heart healthy. For weight loss, always opt for fruits with rich water content like as Watermelon, Muskmelon, Apple, Papaya, Orange, Berries
Foods to Avoid

Meats, poultry, fish, eggs (both whites and yolks), and all dairy products (regular and non-fat), including milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, cream, sour cream, and butter.
Added oils, such as margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and cooking oils.
Fried foods, such as potato chips, French fries, onion rings, tempura, and donuts.

Vinyasa Yoga In Rishikesh

Yoga Alliance Certified 100 hours200 hours300 Hours500 Hours Vinyasa Flow, Hatha & Ashtanga yoga Teacher Training courses for beginners, intermediate and advance Yoga Students in Rishikesh India. Affiliated with the highest Yoga organizations, Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Alliance UK, Yoga Alliance International, Vinyasa Yoga Academy is one of the most prestigious Multi-style yoga teachers training school in India, India is known as the "birthplace of yoga" and for thousands of years seekers have flocked here to learn the ancient ways of yoga and meditation Teacher Training courses. Vinyasa Yoga Academy is one of the most reputable Yoga TTC centre in Rishikesh India today. Combining age old techniques with our naturally evolving world, our school has a perfect modern day facilities where guests gain quality education and experiences from our expert instructors that prove to be life changing. The VYA home is open to you and our family awaits. We welcome you into our lives as we share in this unique opportunity where you will gain skills that will help to create the peaceful world we all seek to live in. It is our hope that you leave with a full mystical comprehension of your practical experience.


At VYA our goal is to provide Seekers with unique spiritual, religious, and mind/body experiences by applying our expertise in Vedanta philosophy, and yoga. We are a young, ambitious and modern-day ashram that differentiates itself from others by offering not just practices, but also understanding, context, meaning, and relevance of what we teach. The product we provide must also be the result you require, and when your program concludes, it is our hope that you leave with a full mystical comprehension of your practical experience.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Testing Our Spiritual Life By Sri Swami Atmaswarupananda

Testing Our Spiritual Life By Sri Swami Atmaswarupananda

It is normal in human life that if we put a lot of time and effort into any endeavour, we want to be able to measure our progress. Whether it is studies, professional life, or business, we want to know in some way what our score is, how well we are doing. The same seems to apply to the spiritual life. After we have put in sufficient effort, sufficient time, there is a factor in us that wants to know whether we are getting proper results.

Normally that inclination is discouraged in the spiritual life, and it is discouraged for three reasons. First of all, scriptural. “Yours is the effort. The result is up to God. Leave it to Him.” The second reason is a very practical one. There is no practical way that we can judge whether we are being freed from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy or whether divine virtues are developing in our heart. If we try to keep score, it will normally be a matter of self-deception. Rather, as Pujya Swami Chidanandaji once said, “From time to time you discover what changes have come about. Sometimes, this can be a pleasant discovery. Sometimes it can be rather a shocking oneë¾±ome negative factor that you thought had long ago disappeared suddenly comes to life again. Therefore, any judging we do on our progress should be left to discovery rather than to analysis.
But there is a third reason that we discouraged from trying to keep score on our spiritual life. And that is that the ultimate spiritual life is at a level deeper than virtues and vices. One teacher has said that there are only two things, finally, in this universe: one is love; the other is fear. This love, of course, is not the normal type of love, but rather a divine love that has no object. It is just love or perhaps more correctly, it is described as universal goodwill. The other factor, fear, is also not fear with an object, but rather an underlying sense of fear that at any moment can light upon an object such as death, old age, ill health, loss of money, security etc. Therefore, in the final analysis the only way our spiritual life can be judged is to the degree that universal goodwill and trust has replaced that nagging feeling of uncertainty or fear in the depths of our being.
How do we bring about this ultimate change? There is no other way than a total letting go and trusting in God. That is why Lord Krishna told us that the only way we can cross samsara is by taking refuge in Him alone. And even more specifically, in the last teaching verse of the Gita, He tells us to abandon all dharmas and take refuge in Him alone.